Blackheart Hothead (BH100H)


guitar head, tube, power: 100 watts, 16 Ohms, class: A, channels: 2, headphone output, 76x28x30 cm, 23.6 kg

Main (Blackheart Hothead (BH100H))
Type guitar
Performance head
Amplifier tube
RMS power 100 W
Specifications (Blackheart Hothead (BH100H))
Resistance 16 Ohms
Class amplifier A
Interfaces (Blackheart Hothead (BH100H))
AUX input
Headphone output
Microphone input
Dimensions and weight (Blackheart Hothead (BH100H))
Width 76 sm
Depth 28 sm
Height 30 sm
Weight 23.6 kg
Additionally (Blackheart Hothead (BH100H))
Lamp terminal cascade EL34
The number of channels 2
Loop effects
© 2013